Thursday, December 12, 2019

Experior Financial Group - Why You Fail Financially

Experior Financial Group

Experior Financial Group - Are you struggling financially? Do you have difficulty paying your monthly bills? Are your savings inadequate? Do you have little, if any, college savings for your kids? Are your credit card debt payments strangling you financially?

If you answered yes, as most of you did, you are in good company. 95% of the U.S. population is in the same boat. Everyone in this group is hanging on by a thread. Only 5% of the U.S. population are living the good life. They have plenty of savings, go on fantastic vacations, have no credit card debt revolving balances, buy cars when they need them, pay bills within 30 days and have rich family lives. Why? Why is it that 95% of the population is floundering in this great country of ours?

Experior Financial Group - Getting by financially is no accident. Every day you process failure into your life. The underlying cause for financial failure resides in your daily habits. Everyone in this 95% group has bad daily habits. Let me shed some light on some of the bad daily habits that you live every day and that is the cause of your financial failure. Sit tight as this will be a bumpy ride for most of you:

Experior Financial Group - You watch too much TV
You spend too much time on the Internet in a meaningless pursuit to waste time
You eat too much
You drink too much
You don't exercise enough
You sleep too much - Experior Financial Group
Your relationships are on an "as needed" basis
You don't return phone calls immediately
You don't call people and wish them a happy birthday
You don't call people regularly just to say hello
You curse too much
You lose your temper too much
You say crude things - Experior Financial Group
You don't have a "To Do List"
If you do have a "To Do List" you make no real effort to complete it
You leave your job early
You talk too much
You don't listen enough
You constantly put your foot in your mouth and say inappropriate things -Experior Financial Group
You don't work efficiently. You reach for mediocrity on the job because you have convinced yourself that you hate work or your job
You don't focus on daily improvement
You don't stay on top of your industry
You make excuses or rationalize against doing what you need to do
You give in to laziness - Experior Financial Group
You engage in negative thinking
You don't challenge yourself
You're not focused on the job. You seek out distractions
You are selfish with your time
You are not generous with your time or money
You are cheap
You don't like people
You procrastinate - Experior Financial Group
You're a spender, not a saver
You buy unnecessary things
You buy cheap crap that satisfies some immediate need
You don't control your thoughts and emotions on a daily basis
You argue too much
You complain too much, gossip too much
You belittle others too much and find fault in everything
You are constantly negative
You are sarcastic
You have wild emotional swings. You are either too happy or too sad and you get depressed too much
You don't network - Experior Financial Group
You have no goals
You don't like yourself
Experior Financial Group - I can go on and on. The list of things people do to achieve financial failure, that I accumulated over five years, can fill a book. When I think about it, it makes me sick.

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